Saturday, September 24, 2005


Shit, I'm bored. Why? Because I've secluded myself from the rest of humanity this weekend. I need to get into a trancelike state to write a paper due on Monday, and the easiest way to get there is lack of outside stimuli. So I've spent the morning in my apartment, waiting to become so bored that I write a paper just for something to do. It works, actually, because I can feel my brain circling Brightman's paper topic, looking for stuff to write about, reviewing the book, basically writing the paper in my mind before typing it up.

The problem: there's some kind of festival going on in Piedmont Park, and I can occasionally hear the drums from here. Shit. I should get me one of those "girlfriends", someone to drag me out of this mindset.

Applicants should have the strength of an ox and the speed of a cobra.


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