Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Borges Influenced View of the Office

The office is the natural home of conspiracy. An air conditioner-glazed eye falls on a folder marked ‘ETSU Mouse House 2005’, or ‘Jeblomie, Haywood - CSS’, and the spark of conspiracy is born. A sudden attentiveness as the movement of torsos past cubicles gains ancient significance, ants on a prayer wheel, wind against the mandala’s sand. Who else knows? The secretary must, she watches them gather and leave for “lunch”. Marketing gains a new intern each semester, Design is populated only by bearded men in suspenders and shapeless women in their grandmother’s dresses. This conspiracy has schismed once at least, dividing operations between New York, DC, and Atlanta. This split between Marketing and Design may reflect an unhealed rift in relations, a poison in the conspiracy’s clean blood since this branch’s establishment.

[I'm temping right now. It's alright, but I could use a real job. Give me all your money.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no money but you are welcome to my pocket lint :p

10:18 PM  

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