Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dr Collins is a Fucking Clownshoes

I really don't understand Dr Collins.

I mean, I've always assumed that you should trust teachers. I trust most people, but teachers especially because they don't seem to have much reason to lie to students. However, Collins has lied to me every time I've spoken with him.

I realized he would be lying a lot after our first meeting, so I did all the work for the Oxford application myself, even the things one might expect an advisor's help with.

Things Collins has lied about:

Due date of application
Requirements for admission
Information to be sent with application
Length of Oxford term
Time term begins
Date at which he would email me information (he said two weeks ago, I'm still waiting)
Date at which he would speak with Oxford people (also two weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything since)
Scholarships available for study abroad

Why isn't someone else doing Dr Collins' job?


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