Saturday, January 21, 2006

Do Not Try at Home

A transcript from an old journal, written while inebriated.

I smell like whisky (to quote the Irish)
The wiper bites but I feel life.
Julia Roberts is a better actor
I catch 3/10 throws
Child actors are cuter
Commercials are shorter
Everything is a headrest
Cancer is hilarious
The human jaw muscle can exert between 200 and 1000 pound of force
I feel candid but cannont find words as I watch a bald girl watch me.
Hotly Shit! Let's talk about memoirs; writing about our experiences! Have I felt/learned anything? Maybee. I sit here writing, my paper lit by tubes dwelling within my TV box, And I realize my experience is a bloated self importance and marginal self control.
[drawing of rocket ship] wooosh!
The glass is empty except for ice, the hollow placeholder.


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