Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm taking a break from ongoing festivities to write an account of tonight so I may peruse it tomorrow. Also, because I'm a party pooper.


- Pick up brother from work. Brother is already omega high. (But yay free! Hooray!)
- Go to Greens, drink booze while walking from Ponce to Masquerade. Operation: Keep Adam Relatively Sober is successful so far.
- Intriguing girl at ticket counter fails to immediately fall in love with full mohawk Ben. Sad face.
- Lawrence Arms is setting up as we get in. Band before Lawrence Arms apparently sucked.
- Lawrence Arms starts their set, response is better than expected for most opening acts, but surprisingly subdued. Mosh pit has only 5 guys involved, plus one 10 year old.
- Round of PBR's aquired twice during set. Adam starts to feel buzz, Ben assumes everyone loves him, girl gets clingy.
- Lawrence Arms finishes with a song described as, "this is about getting completely trashed and waking up the next morning totally fucked up". This seems to be the theme of most of their songs.
- Ben swims towards bar, attempts to acquire real booze (aka bourbon and coke). Brings booze back to peoples as the headlining act starts playing.
- We finish drinks, and Ben drags peoples towards mosh pit, headbutts Adam for strength.
- Various "moshing". Random drunk girl uses octopus kung fu on Ben.
- Those guys are fucking awesome. Everyone, including tipsy girl currently attached to party, gets some moshing in. Ben's hand is stepped on, Adam gets elbowed in the teef.
- To the car. Uncoordinated groping and associated activities against wall. Adam, avoiding said perversions, flashes an unmarked police car.
- Drinks to bouy failing drunkenness at apartment.
- Negotiations of sexual activity with girl. Ben's bed loses all sheets. Outside, Adam communes with raspberry flavored blunt, associated filler.
- Girl recovers, is taught how to smoke.
- Walking! Party reaches playground and begins swinging.
- Piggy back rides back to the apartment. Girl, than brother.
- Currently writing.


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