Ye Olde Barter Economy

I have a lot of useless shit lying around. I don't want to sell it on ebay. I want to give it to strangers, in exchange for food or services. Wouldn't it be cool if I could trade a few books for a funnel cake?
Something which needs to be a few paragraphs longer:
We had all gone barefoot to cross the creek. Not because we needed to. We did it because it takes time to kick boots off, time to cross the creek, and more time to let numb feet dry, fill waterbottles, and get moving. And, of course, we had to set down our packs before we even thought of moving.
"Fu - uk" Jeremiah sighed, his voice weighed down by Southern heritage and 3 hours of uphill stumble. He was still hungover from last night. Sweat seemed to leak from the man, a strange mixture of salt, water, and Wild Turkey sprang from every pore.
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