Sunday, November 27, 2005

Excess Words

Little story partially inspired by this article:

Today, I finally went skydiving. I've wanted to dive ever since I saw a skydiver on some commercial back in middle school. I know, it's a bit strange, dreaming of living a commercial for 10 years, but something about the skydiver's expression stuck in my mind all through high school and college. Now I call it a sense of freedom, a fierce pride in being the one. Not in a goofy matrix style way either, more like an embodiment of the best, a justified pride.

Anyway, the skydiving was great, though I tell myself not to think about it too much. I don't want the experience to become ordinary for me, it should be a prize hidden in the back of my mind, something to find when I fail a test or walk home in the rain.

I met some really cool people too, this couple who were a bit older than me (they were still cool though, you could tell they were different), and their friend, who was a bit ordinary, I didn't really talk to her. You know how it is, nothing new to say, I just felt like I could be talking to anyone else on the street, and she had this way of paying way too much attention to me.

So we ended up going to this rock formation near the airport they knew about. I smoked weed for the first time, and I don't think anyone noticed. It was strange, not as different as I thought, more like walking through a clothesline hung with those sheets you can almost see through. That's not really it, but it's hard to describe. At least I'll be able to tell myself I actually did it.

We chilled for about 3 hours after the drop, then broke up around dinner. I exchanged numbers with the couple, and they invited me over to this monthly party/drum circle thing they do. That girl didn't really talk much as we made plans to meet up later.

I got some food on the way home, and didn't really have time to do much more than write this entry before bed. I just need to brush my teeth, feed the cat, and take a shower, so this is me signing off.

Good night.

As always, comments appreciated.


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