Friday, September 02, 2005

What was that Hobbes quote?

In The Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes writes that the human condition is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short". I've been reading more about the whole New Orleans/Katrina thing, and I'm beginning to agree with him. As reported by the Times-Picayune, New Orleans' largest newspaper, New Orleans police are abandoning their stations, looters are firing on rescue coppers, and the situation is being compared to the looting which took place as the US military occupied Baghdad.

I just wish we could escape from the panic and brutality stage of response to this natural disaster.

In the meantime, you could donate money here. It's a paypal friendly site, and the operator seems to be making sure the money goes to the right place. I figure if everyone reading the blog donates a dollar, that's at least $5, right?


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