Friday, February 02, 2007

Mucca Pazza

Pictures I found on flickr from last night's show:

I like how, in every picture, the musicians are making the same "I'm rocking out now" face, but that one cheerleader kicks it up from "rocking out" to "bat shit fucking insane". 3ish hours of sleep. Apologies if that last sentence didn't make sense.

I mentioned the three hours of sleep thing to my boss, and he said, "why didn't you just take the day off?" - it's been a while since I worked white collar - I didn't even realize that was an option.


Blogger Jeremy Abernathy said...

freaking wow.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

yah - you'd have gone fucking insane. It was brilliant.

8:45 PM  

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