Saturday, April 01, 2006


I went to a march against the war in Iraq today. It was about what I expected.

It's hard to feel good about a cause when the people supporting it are so stupid. It almost seemed as if the purpose of the march was to convince the people who marched that their cause was just. The conversation between marchers was mainly outraged talk of the latest stupid shit Bush has done (nixing the $1 AID pill, icbm shield, war, abortions in one of the Dakota's, logging acts). It was almost like they were trying to top each other with administration horror stories, reminding me a bit of bitter student talk at Oglethorpe. I wonder if they thought that telling these well known stories helped their cause in some way.

A reporter asked me what I was doing, and I could only reply, "taking a walk". Because I'm damn sure the march won't change anything, but I do enjoy a good walk on a nice day.

I read about thirty pages of Dostoevsky's "The Gambler", which is excellent. The narrator is terribly cynical, and desperately in love with a woman. I'm enjoying it so far.


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