Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Content Later

School was awesome today. In the morning I harnessed the powers of coffee to make myself cheerful and chipmunklike. I hadn't had any coffee since Sunday, so that shit put me in fucking high gear.

I think at points that I was thinking like a billion times faster than anyone else in the room, and talking maybe twice as fast as they thought, so I would ask a question and then guess what they were about to say and then say it, thereby answering the question, and then move on to saying something else while non-caffeine powered persons were still trying to get words out of their pitiful sleep deprived brains.

I meant to ask a certain girl out, and had spent the whole week planning and stuff (the whole week being Monday and Tuesday), but then that certain girl scampered under mysterious conditions. Now I wonder if Certain Girl is functional, and am glad I didn't ask her out before she left, because I'm pretty sure she would have said something like, "buh, ok?" and then I wouldn't be sure if she meant yes she'd go out, or yes she was delirious.

I'm enjoying this process of developing a crush, it's been months since I was really interested in another Oglethorpian, and now I'd like to see how the whole thing pans out. Good or bad, it should be interesting, plus, don't I get xp for this shit?

I will increase my cooking skill so I don't have to spend another weekend surviving on Graham crackers and whiskey.

The rest of the day was cool too. They fed me mildly tasty things for lunch, and then I went to Hearst and read Kundera (I'm not writing the whole title, fuck that guy and fuck his long as title) which amuses me generally though I think the book could be about 100 pages shorter without detracting from its central point. Reading in the sun made me sleepy, and the professor was mysteriously absent, so I went to sleep for a bit until Zack tried to sneak up on me right before Creative Writing.

And even Creative Writing was good, though these fucking bastards kept talking before class started, and all I could hear was "mah mah mah pretentiousness pretentiousness mah starbucks mah mah youth mah stupidity". I am going to mount a flamethrower by my grave, and it will burn those who disturb my peace by talking about shit.

I'm not saying talking is bad, but I think that a speaker has a responsibility to be interesting and original, unless he's insulting Zack's mom. I mean seriously, sometimes I think people say shit just to fill some sort of void.

And no, you sarcastic bastard, this writing doesn't count as me saying shit to fill a void. It fills a useful purpose, and is given more leeway because it is awesome.

Oh, so anyway - Creative Writing was cool because I read stuff and didn't talk, then wrote stuff and didn't talk. I think the story will come out well.

Then I went home and slept some more and read and didn't call the dentist and wrote something else and looked guiltily at my guitar and didn't do laundry. So now I must eat beans and read more.

I wonder if Certain Girl has access to these writings. I kind of hope not. If Certain Girl does have access, and has read this, try to act surprised when I ask you out on Friday.

Oh! Actually, you could send me some kind of secret message, and we could both pretend that we knew nothing about the internets on Friday. That would be hilarious.

Also, Zack, I may post something later which indicates that you lied to me. It's not that I dislike lies, I just hate bad lies. It's sloppy thinking, and I find it personally insulting that anyone would assume I have a greater level of stupidity than actually exists.

Really, if you're dealing with me, just assume that I'm probably right, am very sneaky, and am very cunning. Also, don't question my knowledge of basic fucking geometry. I'm not saying I'm a genius, but I do try to make use of the grey goo which occupies the space between my ears.


Blogger David said...

Not a fan of some of our classmates?

9:43 PM  
Blogger Fifth said...

well... I understand that kids at a certain age tend to get really exited because they can use words with more than two syllables, and I'm sure I have either gone through that stage in the past, or am going through it now.

I was just still in sleep mode.

9:51 PM  
Blogger David said...

Fair enough. I wasn't really paying attention, so I have no idea if they were being pretensious or not.

10:09 PM  

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