Friday, December 16, 2005

Brain Instability

Looks like I'm in one of those depressive periods I get every few weeks. Symptoms: Can't sleep at night, nap during the day, general apathy, sex drive over or under-reacting, moodiness, irritated by families and friends, strange appetite.

It would be nice to have a psychologist to visit, but I'll settle for some self applied therapy on the blog.

Part of the problem is based on finals of course, lots of stress. Then the weather, which seems to be matching my mood each day. Christmas music is always a kind of low grinding annoyance behind my brainstem, the current debate only seems to make it worse, and I'm dreading the break, I hate being stuck inside, not really being able to walk around, and I really miss reading on my porch.

Prescription: Think happy thoughts... but I don't think it's really working. I'll try some destructive behavior, combined with exercising until I stop thinking. I wish I had a good game, something to remove my mind from the situation, but I really need to stay in the moment until finals conclude.


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